Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Tower of Babel (Book Proposal for Creative Non Fiction)

Student: `In phenomena, what is true?'

Master: `The very phenomena are themselves truth.'

Student: `The how should it be revealed?'

The master lifted the tea tray.

~Zen Koan

How many people have ever wondered if there really is an essential difference in religions? Or is it simply a matter of words? Simply an artifact of language and that over time it will be realized that everyone is talking about the same exact thing…

Over the next year I will visit twelve different religious traditions and follow a leader of the religion around, taking on the culture, dress and lifestyle. But as it seems often that the difference is merely a matter of language and not of meaning, I will select locations where the language is not my own. This will permit my eyes to see more than perhaps I would if caught in discussions of theology. I want to see their theology lived out. I want to see their reactions to a foreigner who can not speak their tongue. How do they really live out what they teach and preach? What do they seem most concerned with? How do they respond to the poor, to the rich? What does it mean to worship? How “attached” are they to the world?

The locations I will visit and leaders I will work with are: Mozambique with an evangelical Christian minister, Persia with a Zoroastrian leader, Nepal with a Hindu leader, Tibet with a Vajrayāna (Tibetan) Buddhist Monk, Italy with a Roman Catholic Priest, Turkey with an Eastern Orthodox Priest, Saudi Arabia with a Muslim Imam, Israel with a Jewish Rabbi, Japan with a Zen Buddhist Monk, Punjab, India with a Sikh leader, North Korea with a Juche (state atheist “philosophy”) leader, and China with a Confucian/Taoist practitioner.

Friday, March 10, 2006

One Day.

We wake before dawn, beating even the newspapers to the front steps. Before I realized I was out of my bed, I had already showered, and was stepping out into the cold Indiana Air. I like Indiana, it’s more urban than some of the places I’ve been, where two cars on a road constitutes severe congestion and a traffic jam. It reminds me of where I grew up, those various cities I call home; D.C., Monterey and Athens. The van is dark and frozen. Catching your breath won’t help unless you like icicles, only nuzzling into your coat and scarf has any chance of saving you. Of keeping you dreaming long enough that you just might fall back to sleep.

The chill air is nothing new, but touching my hair I realize it has become frozen string. From now on, showers at night. The cold brittleness seems a bit apt. It’s like the dream on the edge of reality, ready to break full force into consciousness at the slightest disturbance, yet desperately holding onto its delicate moment of existence. The cold snaps. And back into existence, I crash. From my sweet dreams; “Yes, you’re really here, you’re really here in a van with 9 others, really a missionary and really awake.”

I’ve awoken to good and bad, to reality and something beyond. Only I seem to be aware of this, as the van shivers through the streets and roads, the highways and private drives. The scenery grabs my thoughts.

The sun has just peaked her head, as we pull up to a small city in the middle of Kansas. My mind slowly comes back. I must have been gone for a few hours. Grainfield? Weren’t we just here? No, I think that was Wheatsville… or something.

The town is small; one street has all the stores… actually one block and not even both sides of the street. Theresa and Mike, the team leaders, tell us we have some free time. There’s a slide over there. Jim comes with me.

It’s quiet, but Jim and I talk. How’ve you been? What do you think of the team? Of the girls? Of the team leaders? Are we going to make it? How are the retreats for you? What are you doing this summer? What do you miss? The conversation is continuous and rhythmic, but paced like the slow drip of water from a faucet in the middle of the night.

We start walking to check out the main street. It has a single store with a white rectangle for a sign. Painted in black, the words “The Store” stand almost as a joke but also as a commentary. This place is simple. And that’s okay. It doesn’t take itself seriously, and doesn’t need to. It’s happy.

Jim says it’s 9am, time to head to the church on the next block.

We didn’t have a retreat today. Instead we get to do spring cleaning on the church… a cavernous affair with stained glass streaming light upon the color treated cement floor. We divide into groups, cleaning pews, windows, confessionals, floors and various accoutrements. I choose to work the ladders cleaning the windows, as everyone else is scared of climbing them. I hate ladders. They wobble and I’m sure I’ll die falling off one; I’ve always had dreams of that. Jim and I move the ladders around he cleans the bottom of the windows, I clean the top, two to three stories higher than the slick cement below. The walls brace the ladder well, and after the first few, I’m not too scared, but no body would notice. I pace myself to seem natural. To seem composed.

As we finish, I look at the Crucifix hanging mid air above the altar. It’s dusty and seems to need the Good Friday cleaning that everything else is getting. Can we clean it? The Parish contact agrees, and we move the tall ladder precariously through the aisle, a few times almost toppling over.

The corpus is a beautiful bronze casting, two times the size of a normal body, perhaps more; majestic, silent, beautiful. I almost cry as I climb the ladder to clean it. My mind is transported back almost two thousand years, to the first Good Friday. I tremble every step I take. Not knowing what to do. What to say to a man dying on a cross before my eyes. What comfort can you offer?

I take the hands, as a medic would, carefully and gently cleaning the lacerations. I daub the feet with soft cotton, and embrace them in my hands. Kissing the memorial wounds. I’ve cleaned down one side, now I must go up the other. Wiping the dry sweat from the thighs straining to remain standing, straining for each breath.

I clean His chest, wondering what it would have felt like, strong, proud, to the very end or clammy and suffocating, fragile as a real human. I clean the broken arch of His back, ripped by whips into swatches of hanging flesh. I clean his crown, getting pricked and stabbed by the intermeshed five inch thorns sharpened to conical points. My thin hands can’t even fit through to clean his hair, the thorns so dense, so painful. I can’t even place my hand on his hair. I can’t even offer that small comfort and affection that I hold so dear.

I wish I was alone. I wish I could pour torrents from my eyes. Be overcome by the sorrow and joy. I wish I could rip the thorns off, and kiss His brow. I wish the bronze was the clammy flesh.

I descend to the call to meet in the church hall for lunch. Outside is bright, sunshiny and warm. The ocean air a light blanket that covers and cools.

The parish hall is next door.

Lunch is what I’ve heard will be standard fare on the road; lasagna. I guess it could be worse. At least I’ll be fed.

It’s been raining outside the past few days, but now it’s a vibrant sky and low 80’s. A few of the friends I’ve made here at training have decided to renew our after lunch ultimate Frisbee game. So I clip my flip flops to the back of my belt with a red caribiner that I keep for such opportunities and walk barefoot across the squishy-pine coned camp to the lower fields. The lower fields are lush green, a foot or two higher than and surrounded by a horseshoe lake that turns a glance into full trance and into a meditation on the beauty of God. A trance only to be awakened from by the call “Game-on!”

The field is flooded two inches or more, but we play on. Slides from catches distract us and the game becomes about gnarly grabs and sweet slides, we forget score. Body surfing now dominates, as does mud caked wetly on our skin. Bystanders are pulled in and a mud war erupts. Cool, sticky brown orange mud beneath a light and warm atmosphere. I could lie here forever.

The call for showers rings out. I don’t want to leave. But I must.

My shower is quick and thankfully warm. And now I’m rushing out the door. Most days are crazy, I feel like I’m being pulled from one spot to the next. Dragged like an anchor by my own will and compelled by my leader’s whip. I knew this would happen. I knew it back in Indiana. But today my asthma is acting up, and so is my rash, so I’m heading to a doctor for more meds.

The doctor’s office is a block from the beach in lovely San Diego, California. This guy’s office already seems like that of a quack… obscure location, and by a beach, great, maybe he’ll listen to me and give me the drugs I need to not die. Forms are filled, and a bit later I’m called in. It seems a small operation, with only a few narrow clinical rooms. Moments later a twenty something beach bum with a lab coat enters. Great. I tell him as plainly as I can that my asthma is acting up, so I need something for that, and my rash is acting up, so if he could hit me with a steroid shot, it’d get better.

His short brown hair keeps its light bounce despite his client’s self diagnosis and prescriptions that are subtle innuendos about his lack of qualification. He takes a moment and asks an obscure question. “When does your asthma act up, you seem fine now?” I stumble with mutterings, which eventually evolve into coherence about maybe being around my coworkers. After a few more obscurities, he asks something almost personal. “When was the last time you were happy?”

I left the office dazed. I have eczema? Is that what this year and a half old rash has been? The other diagnosis? Yeah, he’s a quack and I don’t believe him, but I’m not telling anyone about it, just in case he’s right. What would it change anyway? They’d think I was trying to get out of work or trying to hide from the ever and all important TEAM. Individuals don’t matter, unless they’ve been assimilated. And how true is a concern based on a new description? Am I to be more pitied and cared for because of a diagnosis, and not because I’ve been in pain the whole time? You don’t care about me. Stay the hell out of my life.

I pop the first pill after I’ve escaped on a brief “walk.” I’m going to keep this quiet. No one will know. It won’t matter anyhow.

The van arrives to pick us up and we pile in. I get in quickly to grab my favorite seat, the back left corner, away from the team leaders in the front. Texas is so nice this time of year, before the first frost.

I normally zone out when I get in the van. Yet for some reason, when she talks I’m now listening. Just two weeks ago, I despised Kat. Absolutely annoyed by any words from her mouth, but now instead of being as sarcastic as I realize I could be, and really crave to be, I smile genuinely. We had a day off together last week, where I learned she wasn’t who she seems. Where I learned of a beautiful soul who loved quite and simplicity. A smiling face that was content to smile.

Now I talk to her and try to grab her attention, try to learn more about this sweet and kind face that seems to glow when I turn my eyes towards it. I’ve always known she was beautiful. But now I see something much deeper, a beauty that resonates from her soul outward, something 10,000 times more beautiful and attractive than her soft face.

The van slows as we stop at the restaurant. It’s dinner time, and our host families have decided to take the whole team out for Italian food. I never expected to see Italian food in the middle of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I also never expected to see snow in early October.

We’ve been on the road for only a few days. And so far it’s been pretty nice. Host families are amazing! Every day we travel to a new parish to do a retreat for their youth, usually 5-6 cities in one week. And every night we get to meet some of the most amazing families, each of whom open their homes to a pair of us for the night. Five parish families taking in ten young adults for the night, feeding us with food and giving us rest on their best beds, but most of all offering us comfort from the road. Offering us family affection that affirms we’re of value, that we’re people, and that we’re loved. Every night is a mini celebration, a welcome home party of sorts. And every night we are home.

The Italian food is actually amazing. But I can’t decide if it’s the people or the food. I suspect it’s the people, but amongst the laughter and smiles, the joy and stories of faith, I really don’t care. It’s good to be alive. It’s good to be here.

I’m supposed to meet with Theresa and Mike after dinner, and they finally call me upstairs. I’ve been struggling with my team leaders. Though really it’s only Theresa that leads and she astonishes me. We’re in St. Louis right next to Saint Louis University staying in one of the houses SLU has set aside for its faculty. The owner is an old NET team member and current professor. National Evangelization Teams. NET and Netters. It’s my life lately, and I’ve done it long enough to be called a Netter.

Two weeks ago I asked to go see my family for Thanksgiving, instead of the weekend I got the day before. Though I wanted an escape longer, I was okay with it. I asked all the questions and got all the permissions. After morning mass I was allowed to leave. I was to be picked up by my best friend who would drive five hours that day to bring me back to my homes. I’d head to Austin first to see the “family” I chose, and then to San Antonio to see the family I was graced with by birth.

Everything seemed mystical that morning I was to leave, I had been separated from my families since late summer, and though this group wanted to replace them, their feet were too small to fit the shoes. My friend arrived on time and prepared to leave when Theresa said I couldn’t leave! What? I have permission! Mike, the other leader arranged it through the office! My world was spinning. I asked Mike to support me. But he turned tail and hid behind his training to support the other leader regardless.

After failing in my attempts to get a hold of the office and verify that everything was cleared, I left. Upsetting Theresa’s sense of authority.

Tonight we’re supposed to sit down and talk about it. I was ready, I had a list of things that I was upset about, and had prepared myself for some give and take, prepared myself for a discussion. It started off well. “Lets talk about this [problem] so I can hear your concerns about the situation.” Good. She wants to discuss and I’ll get a fair trial. “We’ve already decided your punishment.” WHAT? You just said you want to hear my concerns and my side of the story! She didn’t want to hear my concerns. “How can you say you want to hear my side when you’ve already judged me?” She mumbled some words that were meaningless. She didn’t care. And I was appalled.

We talked for a while, two different ideas conflicting in a discussion that was incomprehensible. I wanted a give and take. She wanted me to give.

It became a sermon about why I was wrong. There was no concern for the list of problems and injustices I wrote down. And when she realized I had a list, annoyed, she asked me to read it off, then dismissed it entirely. She asked “why won’t you obey.” I responded, “you have not the authority.” I had rights and one is to be respected. An impasse.

“My authority comes from God” suddenly rang out like the dying shriek from a mortally wounded animal. Shocked, the whole room went silent as aghast I didn’t know whether to laugh or run. Did she really just say that? Is that the substance of her argument? Is that it?

Yes, she was serious. Her face distorted by the elongated shadows from a single light that hid the ends of her lips and eyes. She was serious. My reasoning based upon Catholic tradition, based upon the catechism and Aquinas, the Popes and the Fathers, was met with the only thing it couldn’t defeat.

I’m going for a walk.

The cold air comforts me. The rhythmic thud of my shoes on the quiet pavement takes me elsewhere, to a deep thought that I only catch when I walk. I’ve always been cheered up by a frozen wind attacking head on, it has always invigorated me, always reminded me that I stand. I may do nothing else well, but standing against wind I can do, even when tears are in my eyes.

There’s something about walking to the Eucharist that gives me a sense of profound focus and direction, all my fears can be answered, all my hurts healed, all my anxieties calmed. I used to be an atheist. I say that so many times these days… every retreat telling my story of faith. I used to think the Eucharist was just a piece of bread that would taste better with some peanut butter & jelly. But then some girls tricked me into liking them… and I followed them to a Eucharistic chapel. Months later, I had an experience. I can’t describe it except in acting out the tensions in my soul. I can’t touch what happened with an accounting of thoughts and actions. I can only touch the power of it by saying things that may not have happened, but really really did.

I sat there reading a book. Something interesting and educational about the Church I wanted to prove wrong, but also wanted to give a fair hearing. Just reading in the chapel. By myself at 4am. Quiet. Peaceful. Content. Alert. Golden light filling the room after being filtered by false windows. The Eucharist sitting on the altar, in the center of a gilded monstrance, a sunburst sitting atop a candlestick base. Two angels knelt beside the altar, holding stone vigil.

I looked up for no reason than to look.

No other reason.

I looked and yelled.




His sweet face smiled at me as I raged desperately in the last fits of faithlessness.

He smiled.

I was overcome and tears poured. He was in the Eucharist and I could no longer be an atheist. I was a Catholic and I no longer had any choice in the matter. He had made that choice for me.

It’s cold outside in Gary, Indiana and inside the chapel is warmth. I have a minute and then I need to sleep. It’s 1 am and we wake in four hours.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Living Wage

Living Wage

A living wage “is generally considered to require that a person working forty hours a week, with no additional income, should be able to afford housing, food, utilities, transport, health care and a certain amount of recreation.”[1] The purpose of a living wage regulation is to provide equal access to basic necessities of life for those below the poverty line, in an attempt to eliminate working poverty. With the great excess of wealth in our country it might seem odd that a living wage is not in place for the majority of Americans. To attempt to understand this I will briefly present the problems and responses to the problems of a living wage standard.


Limited effect: Current living wage regulations are limited to a select few cities and their contractors. Thus limiting the effect a living wage has on poverty, both by geographically limiting it to urban areas and by limiting the effect economically by being specific to municipal activities and organs. Thus for a LWR to be of any significant use, it would need to be either statewide or nationwide.

Ineffective: The Employment Policies Institute has conducted research[2] that suggests a living wage regulation is ineffective, by driving out of the job market the very people it’s meant to assist. This is due to an influx of competition (in the study from High School students) who wish to capitalize on the higher wages.

Inflation: A statewide or nation wide LWR could potentially disrupt the economy, causing inflation and possibly causing collapse. With a universally increased consumer buying power, prices might begin a slow rise. With a slow rise in cost, a sensible living wage that is tagged to a Cost of Living Adjustment would also increase, thus increasing more the buying power, and subsequently increasing prices a little more. This could turn quickly into a vicious logarithmic cycle that causes prices to outpace income, returning the targets of a LW back to poverty and bringing a state or nation with them.

Offshore jobs: a company faced with increased labor costs and decreased profits might consider locating production out of nation to return profits to pre-LW rates. This would reduce the overall employment in the economy most likely affecting the least skilled and lowest paid first. This is the very group that a LW is intended to help, but might instead abandon.

Responses to Problems

Limited effect: A statewide or nationwide LW seems most appropriate and desirable, but the movement towards a fair wage must begin somewhere. Cities are currently the easiest place to organize LW standards. Ultimately, cities should begin to pressure state and national government to adopt LW standards.

Ineffective: Increased competition for jobs offering a LW might actually improve the overall pay of lower and mid-echelon employees. With the ability of employees to live by working 40 hours a week in an increased number and selection of jobs, companies will have to lure employees in with new incentives, which can range from rapid advancement to higher starting pay.

Inflation: The increased focus on attracting and maintaining employees might arrest inflation, by increasing corporate costs and reducing corporate spending. Reducing corporate spending would reduce the overall amount of money in the economy, with money going to basic necessities instead of large scale investment.

Offshore jobs: many of the lower paid and least skilled workers are foreign nationals who have emigrated from their countries by necessity due to the overwhelming poverty they experienced in their own countries. A company moving offshore to a foreign country will most likely end up in those countries with high emigration rates to the United States, for the same reasons that the émigrés have left; poverty. A situation of poverty in a country provides a great opportunity for a company to reduce costs and benefit the local economy while offering a living wage in their new country of residence. Thus poverty can be addressed in the countries that have the highest problem. Yes, this will reduce the overall jobs in the United States and yes, we will have to deal with the immediate economic shock on the people and locales whose jobs are lost. But trying to avoid this shock could create even worse problems in the future. And those problems would continue to be international in scope with local patch work solutions, whereas we could make them local problems with international solutions.

A living wage is important to the dignity of a human person and the lack of one needs to be addressed. People deserve the right to live. There are problems with a LW and they will be difficult but these can be dealt with. Passing the issue off to future generations will not help the issue, but make it exponentially worse. If we deal with it now, we permit creative solutions to appear while we can still control the severity of the economic backlash.

The Making of the Atomic Bomb

The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes is a work of nonfiction chronicling the scientists, discoveries and other events surrounding the first nuclear fission weapons.

The first part of the book discusses the web of relationships and discoveries that occurred from around the turn of the century to beginning of World War 2. The discoveries and people varied from Leo Szilard and his idea of a chain reaction, Bohr and his model of the atom and insight that atomic number should decide periodic table location, Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes, Chaim Weizemann and Cordite, transmutation, the Mass Spectrograph, the Cyclotron, Neutrons, the difference between slow and fast Neutrons and many more discoveries, inventions and scientists. Then the book discusses how this web of relationships was able to evacuate scientists from Germany, Italy and Russia, who were or had Jewish family. In addition to simple evacuation, the Physicists outside of Germany, Italy and Russia were able locate jobs relatively quickly for the émigrés.

The second part of the book discusses the formation of the Manhattan Project itself, and touches on the developments in Germany and Japan.


The allied program was mainly a program by the US and UK. Russia was left out initially due to the migration of most scientists to the US and UK before and after Germany instituted anti-Jewish laws that prohibited Jewish civil servants. The US took the brunt of the research willingly as the UK was on the battlefront and needed technologies that could be implemented immediately, and that would not require as great of resources as an atomic program would. Towards the end of the war, however, the atomic program was kept secret from Russia via conscious decisions by Churchill and FDR. This was despite the objections by Bohr and others that doing so would create mistrust over a technology that Russia could attain rather quickly, once aware that it existed.

In the beginning the program was nothing more than individual physicists discovering interesting things about atoms, and publishing them. Leo Szilard realized how dangerous this would be if they discovered road markers on the path to an atomic weapon, published them, and Nazi Germany’s atomic program benefited. He went on a mission to get the scientists to hold a code of secrecy and submit research to the US government for safekeeping and support. Initially it wasn’t very successful in trying to reign in scientists who tended towards a free information exchange, but with the influence of other scientists who saw the real possibility of an atomic weapon, secrecy began. With the help of Einstein the group of physicists was able to alert Washington to the very real possibility of such a weapon and of its probable development by Germany. Washington responded by organizing the Advisory Committee on Uranium which was to take its ultimate form as the Manhattan Project after varied evolutions. The Manhattan Project was the secret and full scale development of the atomic weapons. It involved various locations of scientist (the main location being at Los Alamos, New Mexico) and two main factories in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Hanford, Washington, both of which were extraordinary undertakings to build from ground up.

The Atomic project quickly developed theories and experimental evidence about the use of Tubealloy (codename for generic Uranium), Magnesium (Codename for Uranium 235) and Copper (codename for Plutonium). It developed the egg-boiling experiment (codename for developments of a self sustained reaction in an uranium pile) into fruition with the first self sustained chain reaction observed by Fermi’s team December 2 1942.

Development of isotope separation technologies was greatly influenced by the threat of a German Atomic project, and thus economics was much secondary. To this effect a policy of parallel development occurred with five different technologies being built: a centrifuge plant, gaseous barrier diffusion plant, electromagnetic separation plant, graphite piles and heavy water piles. Ultimately they were used in conjunction with each other to maximize efficiency.

Another important aspect was Gadget development. Gadget was the term used for the bomb designs themselves. Initially two were selected as most promising, a canon-bomb (where critical mass of Uranium was completed by shooting the missing part into a sphere, triggering an explosion) and an implosion design (which had a hollow sphere of uranium crushed into a solid sphere by explosives creating a critical mass). The canon-bomb initially called the Tall Man (a reference to FDR) eventually developed into the Little Boy when new understandings allowed them to reduce the length of the cannon. The implosion design, called the Fat Man (a reference to Churchill) was the most technically problematic of the two designs, and required cutting edge technologies like an IBM computer, explosive lenses (focused and directed explosions) and the development of calculations for hydrodynamics of an implosion.

By March 3 1944 the program was in such full swing that the first atomic bomb drops were practiced by B29s at Muroc Army Air Force Base in California in order to test for needed modifications to the aircraft. This evolved in September into Paul Tibbets’ command of the project codenamed “Silverplate.” “Silverplate” was the creation of the 509th Composite Group whose mission, unknown to even them, was to deliver the atomic bomb.


Though the prospect of Germany having an atomic bomb program was the reason that the US and UK were pursuing their own programs, there was no active intelligence program to discover the progress of a German program until the end of the war.

The German program was stifled by many problems and setbacks. Perhaps the first was the reduced number of atomic physicists, due to the Jewish laws that encouraged many Jewish Physicists to escape to the UK and US. Another was the miscalculations ruling out carbon as a moderator for a chain reaction. (Carbon was a cheaper alternative to heavy water). Without a cheap moderator the German fission program was tied to an expensive and rare resource that came from one factory in the world in Vemork, Norway. This factory was attacked several times during the war, limiting the ability of German Physicists even more.

Circa 1942, the Germans scuttled their Atomic Bomb project, as they expected a bomb to not be developed in time for the current war, and with a scarcity of resources they decided to use their resources to develop weapons that might impact the war. They did however continue their research into fission reactors as power sources to move vehicles. Ultimately at the end of the war in Europe, German physicists had just created a test reactor that Heisenberg estimated if increased by 50% in size would create a self sustaining chain reaction.


Unlike the civilian origins of the atomic programs in the UK, US and Germany, the Japanese project originated in the military via a report requested by and prepared for the director of the Aviation Technology Research Institute of the Imperial Japanese Army. In 1941, Tokutaro Hagiwara was the first to suggest a hydrogen bomb ignited by an atomic weapon. Between 1942 and 1943, the Japanese Navy convened a committee to decide whether or not to pursue atomic bomb research. During this investigation, the Navy decided to encourage the development of other technologies as an atomic bomb seemed unreachable during the war, by any of the parties. (For Japan, it would require “a tenth of the annual Japanese electrical capacity and half of the nation’s copper output” in addition to approximately ten years and finding enough uranium in the first place). At the same time, research into a fission reactor was encouraged by the Navy. Also at this time, then University of Kyoto, where Tokutaro Hagiwara taught, received funding for atomic bomb development by the Fleet Administration Center of the Navy.

Despite the Navy withdrawing from major support of an atomic weapon, the Army continued to do so. But was plagued by misunderstandings such as: Army Liason: “If uranium is to be used as an explosive, 10 kg is required. Why not use 10 kg of a conventional explosive?” Scientist: “That’s nonsense.” (pp. 582)

Ultimately the bulk of the Japanese atomic bomb project went up in flames, due to firebombing by America B-29s, which caught the wooden building which housed the gaseous thermal diffusion equipment (Japan’s method of U235 extraction) on fire.

The Making of the Atomic Bomb is packed with stories that attempt to bring life to the characters, times and events that surrounded the development of the first nuclear weapons.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Re: free will isn't so problematic

This is from a discussion we're having in my Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics class:

So in either case we end up not having the free will that we would like to have. In a deterministic universe we don't seem to have genuine freedom to do other than what we in fact do, and in an indeterministic universe it's not clear how we can claim authorship and responsibility for actions that arise from indeterministic causes.

But the universe is either deterministic or indeterministic. That exhausts the possiblities. So it seems like genuine freedom of the will, the kind that most people want when then they say they want it, is impossible.

My response:
I agree that the world has to be either deterministic or indeterministic. But I think there's a difference between a materialist and a dualist idea of determinism.

I think a non material mind could be a self-determined entity. Whereas it would appear the only self-determined entity in a materialist perspective would be the system taken in its entirety.

I believe it entirely possible that a God could create a soul and empower the soul with a measure of self-creation. Such that the soul could create a nature that has abilities/character that can not be accounted for by the original nature or character.

Isn't this still deterministic in the same sense as the materialist?

No. I think the ability of creation endows its owner with a creative essence that is uniquely self-determinstic(I'm not good with formulating this argument as I've never tried before, so I apologise for it's crudeness).

Thus in the "world" there are several self-deterministic entities interacting. So though there are deterministic methods, there is not A deterministic method for the world. Thus the system is neiter a classically deterministic one, nor is it an indeterministic one, it is somewhere in between.